California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Certification Practice Exam 2024 - Free ABC Certification Practice Questions and Study Guide

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What strategy should be implemented for reinforcing policy on the service of alcoholic beverages?

Ignoring policies outlined by management

Instructing and reinforcing policy implementation by management and employees

In order to effectively reinforce the policy on serving alcoholic beverages, management and employees should both be instructed and reinforced on policy implementation. This means that both parties need to be aware of the policy and understand its importance. Ignoring policies outlined by management (A) goes against the purpose of reinforcing policy implementation. Only training new employees once (C) may lead to compliance issues in the future as they may forget or not fully understand the policies. Using outdated policies (D) is not effective as the policies may have changed over time. Therefore, instructing and reinforcing policy implementation by both management and employees (B) is the best strategy for ensuring compliance and enforcing the policy on serving alcoholic beverages.

Only training new employees once

Using outdated policies


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